By the time you finish reading this post you might just think I am off my rocker but in fact I have decided to run my first 5K ever. Hell my first run
anything ever. Try that on for size peeps!! Being obese is going to add to that challenge but I'll be damned if I am going to let that hold me back!! Wondering how I came to that decision? I was looking on the internet and reading about how people walk off the pounds. Just simply by walking. So I kept reading and I came across a training program called
COUCH TO 5K and it trains/guides you in a matter of 9 weeks adjusting accordingly so you can run for 30+ minutes. The time it takes to run a 5K. Anyways I decided if all these other fat people even heavier than me can do this without falling on their face then why can't I? I mean seriously. I kept reading the same thing over and over from post to post ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER. ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER. How hard can it be?
It's been a long 11 days as of today that I have been on my new medication. My thyroid was increased in addition to something new my doctor is doing to help increase my energy level. I have not had as much as one drink of coke or any carbonated beverage for that matter. I have however consumed more water than I ever believed humanly possible. Not to mention without adding any of those flavored pack things. Lucky me I figured out they give me heartburn so I skip them. My eating habits are changing too. I introduced fruits and some vegetables back into my diet (I'm not a fan of veggies AT ALL so I at least drink V8 reduced sodium). The fast food no longer works for me. Skipping breakfast no longer is acceptable. I can't, I feel like crap if I even try. I take my lunch to work and I bring prepared snacks now like raisins, mandarin oranges & apples. It matters because I know in the long run I am doing my body a favor. I no longer buy products that do not include whole wheat grains even down to my spaghetti noodles. It's a change that we are all adapting to. It also matters to my goal of weight loss. I'm not going to sit here and say it's not all about the numbers because I do care about the numbers. I eventually want to be a certain weight and that is under 200 lbs. I have an incredibly long journey ahead of me and I know this, so why dwell on a number right now???
If anyone wants to join me on the journey let me know. My first 5K run will be the
** UPDATE **
Day 1 of getting off the couch and walking. I will admit this sounds easy but I could think of a thousand excuses to stay home. Especially since this is my normal. I did not think I would make it one block but I knew taking that first step and making myself move would make me feel better. I drove myself to the park and walked 3 full laps. I did the fast paced mall walker with the pumping of the arms too. When I first started I was crying. Don't say a word! YES! Tears started but it was freaking cold so that was short lived and I sucked it up quickly. I was proud of myself. I walked 1.25 miles without stopping on my first day of doing any kind activity in over a year. I can cry if I want to!
I did not follow the Couch to 5K at all. I will do more reading so I can learn more on actual training for running day to day.