Well it's officially 2010. I have not updated my blog in awhile and with that being said I plan to do better this new year. Do I hear the start of a new year resolution??? The whole Christmas break (2 weeks) have been fast & furious. Not to mention interrupted with BLIZZARD of 2009. I did not make that title up, we have the media to thank for that. It was non stop coverage the day the blizzard arrived. Oklahoma received a record amount of snowfall 14.1 inches (in one day) as a matter of fact. It was so bad that we canceled our normal Christmas Eve with the Anderson's (my mother & step-dad) and Pat & Ruth DeMeritt (grandparents). It was a mess to say the very least. CRAZY MESS!!! Another reason for the cancellation is Mom & Mike were caught in a 50 car pile up on interstate I-40 in Midwest City. Mike was even on the news. We made fun of him because he also made The Today Show. Long story short ~ WE HAD A WHITE CHRISTMAS ~

This first pic is just 1 hour into the Blizzard of 2009
Next is my front door by 6:00 ish Christmas Eve
Then Sam I Am taking time out from the snow to pose for me
Same goes for Miss Molly ~ Her first snow

Mr. King wanted a piece of the action too this is just the beginning of the snow drifts
Mike tried to shovel to keep it down off the front porch~ Good luck with that Mike
Check out the next door neighbors front yard.
Nothing was normal about this Christmas. NOTHING!!! We celebrated Christmas Eve at our house. Just me, Mike & Cameron. Open gifts, ate chili, started a fire and watched TV. The next day we attempted the annual Ash Family Breakfast. Only Tiffany,
Breighlee & Chase made the trip. Wendy and her troops were snowed in and stuck. So this too was going to have to be rescheduled. Later that afternoon we went to my mom's house. The trip getting there was something else. I've never seen snow drifts that high. Pretty cool but stinky timing. There were wrecks all over the place and signs of abandoned vehicle from the madness on Christmas Eve. We did not have Christmas with my Dad & Sandy the weekend prior to Christmas
because they went out of town. December 22 ~ Jan 2
nd. Lucky turds missed the entire blizzard. They enjoyed it on some beach in Dominica Republic. So you know what that means. No
JC King's Dirty Santa. Then we get the call that the big King Christmas is canceled completely. WHAT??? Okay so that too is being rescheduled. Then their is Aunt Edith and Papa Aebischer's get together. The weather made it too hard for him to travel here from Granite, OK.

Just one of the abandoned vehicles we saw on the way to my mother's house
I was not much in the Christmas spirit this year. Very much missing Kyle and just not in the mood for all the crap that goes along with the holidays. Thankfully the roads were fine by that Sunday. All I cared about was safely getting to the interstates~ that is what was
easily drivable. We were able to go visit Kyle. That made it all better to me. I just wanted to see him and hug him since I had not been able to since my birthday. It was a great visit. Kyle & Cameron
horse played. We all laughed so much. We seemed to all be in good spirits. Brought happiness to the close of madness the previous 4 days.
So back to work for 3 days then off 4 more to ring in the New Year. We had decided to keep it low key. No fuss. No getting all dressed up. So with kids and all we rung in the New Year at our house with some of our very close friends. Cyndi, Issac, Sam,
Blu, Heather, Bryan, Mason. The kids played video games while the adults shared in some drinks and played a little rock band. That was a lot of fun not to mention competitive. Sure made for some great pictures. The rest of the time off we did some minor cleaning and lounged around the house and enjoyed the fireplace a lot.
Slowly but surely we are knocking those reschedule Christmas get
togethers down. Let me put it this way January 4
th and I still have 2 Christmas' to celebrate. We made time this past weekend to cook breakfast for the Ash Family and everyone was in attendance. All nieces & nephews in addition to Shirley & David. It was nice. After they left we went to Ruth & Pat's house for pizza, presents, football and catching up. It was a great visit as we exchanged presents and watched
OSU get defeated in the Bowl Game. Sorry J, had to mention that loss.
Got to share an interesting show Mike and I stumbled across yesterday. Dexter. A series on Showtime. OMG where have we been? This show is so addictive. It's in season 4 and my my it's like watching a train wreck. It leaves you wanting more. Mike and I got I think6-7 shows watched from the current season and have now decided to buy the previous 3 and be completely caught up. It's that good folks. Intriguing to say the very least. Looking forward to good TV this week even if I have to play catch up with the DVR. That thing is a god send for sure. Last night Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters did not disappoint. I am glad it's January and back to no re-runs. This week brings the all new start to The Bachelor & Biggest Loser.
It's Monday morning. I am at the office updating my blog and reminiscing about the last two weeks and planning my TV schedule for the week. I'm sure that is not what they want to be paying me for. I have tons of pictures to get organized and posted. I guess I should get busy 'printing too. FYI: Walgreen's is having a 9 cents a print sell.